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WP Bullet Partners with BigScoots to Optimize and Speed Up WooCommerce Websites

Mike Andreasen of WP Bullet

Meet Mike Andreasen, founder of WP Bullet. For over 16 years, Mike has helped countless businesses achieve blazing-fast website speeds. Back when he was student, Mike would write articles on his website, teaching his subscribers about Linux.

Eventually, Mike’s content drew so much traffic that it crashed his own website. So, he went on a mission to fix this problem.

Through this ordeal, Mike quickly realized his talents and passion for fixing websites and making them load faster. He also couldn’t help but notice how many other website owners were struggling with the same problem. 

That’s where WP Bullet comes in. WP Bullet was born from Mike’s desire to help other businesses tackle these technical hurdles while enhancing their site speed and stability.

What Led to Needing a New Hosting Provider

WP Bullet’s primary goal is to ensure their clients’ WordPress and WooCommerce sites run smoothly and load quickly. Often, these sites face performance issues when new features and plugins are added.

These limitations become critical when clients’ sites crash, display numerous errors, or time out when customers attempt to visit them. The site owner then has to deal with angry customers, lost revenue, and the all-encompassing feeling that they are letting their customers down due to website technical difficulties.

All of which are very stressful!

Throughout his experience helping clients fix their websites, Mike encountered hosting providers who would dismiss these issues and diagnose them as problems with the site’s plugins or themes. 

Meanwhile, other hosting providers would try to remedy the issues by recommending that the client spend more to upgrade their resources – again not offering real solutions. 

All this with no real insights into what was causing the actual issues.

So Mike took it upon himself, and WP Bullet, to help get their client’s sites working properly again. To do this, he would have to investigate the backend, which includes the server, database, infrastructure, plugins and theme.

Mike begins by looking into the client’s hosting provider. If the issue is not a hosting issue, the performance delay could be attributed to 3rd party services, database, PHP, or WordPress.

However, this process isn’t always easy, especially when third-party hosting providers are involved. Many providers either cannot make the necessary changes or restrict WP Bullet’s access to do so. 

Mike knew this was a dead end, so he began to seek a different hosting provider altogether that would actually care about his clients, just as he cared for them. 

Mike’s Search for Performant WooCommerce Hosting Provider Begins

Mike discovered BigScoots through a word-of-mouth referral from a client. Initially unfamiliar with who we were, his team researched and found numerous discussions and endorsements in Facebook groups and on other platforms. 

His team was particularly impressed with BigScoots’ reasonable pricing options.

BigScoots attracts people looking for a budget-friendly option that will give them the necessary resources. Most hosting providers are trying to do the opposite – giving you as little resources as possible and charging you as much as possible.

Mike Andreasen, founder of WP Bullet.

Mike engaged in extensive, rigorous personal discussions with our team, asking plenty of questions about our services to ensure we were the right fit. He wanted to confirm that we could indeed deliver the level of service and customer care his clients really needed. 

“Before I recommend a hosting company, I need to ensure they can deliver what I know my clients will need. That’s why I dig deep when evaluating each hosting provider,” he adds.

Why WP Bullet Chose BigScoots

Mike chose to go with BigScoots for several reasons.

Firstly, our reasonable pricing plans aligned with his clients’ need for cost-effective solutions without compromising resources necessary for top performance. 

Secondly, our commitment to client care — with team members available 24/7/365 — assures him that his clients will always be able to get the help they need. Mike’s client recalls when Justin, BigScoots Lead Systems Engineer, had provided specific insights about a plugin consuming excessive PHP resources, which allowed them to dive directly into fixing the issue. 

We showed him our processes and how we would dig deeper to identify and resolve the root causes of performance issues, making the clients feel supported and cared for.

BigScoots is willing to dig further to find answers for clients as opposed to other hosts who typically pass the buck quickly.

Mike Andreasen, founder of WP Bullet.

Seeing our commitment to resolving complex issues instead of a quick fix, Mike remains confident in recommending BigScoots to his clients.

The Process of Migrating Clients to BigScoots

When a new client joins WP Bullet, Mike’s team starts with an intake process to audit the website. This process involves a thorough examination of the site’s backend to diagnose any issues. 

Often, examining the client’s hosting provider can provide some answers. If the issue is not related to the hosting provider, then the performance delay could be caused by something else, like the software, database, PHP, or WordPress.

He then ensures that the client is hosted on one of their recommended WooCommerce hosting providers, like BigScoots. Mike knows BigScoots’ servers are reliable and can deliver ample physical server resources. 

Usually, my clients are not on one of the hosts I recommend for WooCommerce. Putting them on BigScoots helps me eliminate the hosting variable.

Mike Andreasen, founder of WP Bullet.

The Many Benefits of Partnering with BigScoots 

Mike has found that his clients often experience immediate benefits after migrating to BigScoots. 

One of the first sites that WP Bullet moved to BigScoots was a highly dynamic site. Mike performed a before-and-after performance test and saw that after moving the client to BigScoots, the average server response time dropped by 50% from its previous host. 

This became one of many of Mike’s success stories after partnering with BigScoots.

Once we get them moved over to BigScoots, the [issues] kind of just disappear as the site starts working. That’s a testament to the importance of hosting and infrastructure for a website.

Mike Andreasen, founder of WP Bullet.

In another case, a large retail souvenir site in Australia suffered from a 7-second time to first byte (TTFB), leading to frustrated customers and frequent site crashes. 

After moving the client’s site to BigScoots and working with their team to optimize the server configuration, WP Bullet reduced the TTFB to under 1 second, doubled the conversion rate, and increased the site’s revenue by 182% (case study link).

Our proactive monitoring and detailed recommendations have helped WP Bullet’s clients resolve complex issues efficiently and increase their site speed.  

With a stabilized website, Mike’s clients can redirect their energy towards other tasks, like creating new content and finding new leads.

How BigScoots Can Help You

As someone who cares deeply about his clients, Mike needed to know they would be in good hands with a reliable hosting service provider. He could no longer bear the overwhelming stress his clients faced with site crashes and customer complaints. 

Through an extensive vetting process and a solid partnership over the years, Mike and his team see the value we bring to his WooCommerce and WordPress clients.

We focus on providing superior customer service 24/7/365 with a response time of under 90 seconds. 

This dedication gives Mike peace of mind and shows that we will support their clients in any situation. With BigScoots, he trusts he has found one of the best WooCommerce hosting solutions. 

At BigScoots, we are rooted in infrastructure and have over a decade of experience working with Enterprises and large organizations. If you have a resource-heavy WooCommerce site, BigScoots offers Fully Managed WordPress Business plans or custom-built Enterprise WordPress Hosting plans that may be a perfect fit.

Take WP Bullet’s Advice. Whether You Are an Agency or Business, BigScoots is Here to Help.

Learn how BigScoots can support your WooCommerce hosting needs or the web hosting needs of your agency clients.

BigScoots Mascot on Cloud

If you’d like to learn more about the BigScoots Managed WordPress Hosting plans, chat with a team member and schedule a consultation today!